Speech and Debate 培养学生在Poly期间将使用的终身技能, in college, and later in their professional lives. 保利演讲与辩论学院的毕业生已经在法律和政治领域走上了令人兴奋的职业生涯, arts and entertainment, and business and economics. 有效的沟通(不使用技术)将在生活的许多方面为他们服务.
Builds self-confidence and leadership skills, fosters team building and collaborative skills, and trains students to advocate for themselves and others
该队前往全国各地参加比赛, including Harvard, Princeton, UPenn, Emory, and Yale. 校际比赛让学生有机会看到其他竞争者的作品,并从评委那里得到重要的反馈. 学生们在比赛中获得NSDA积分,并很快成为协会的成员 NSDA Honor Society.
保利演讲队的学生准备了10分钟的背诵演讲和表演,并在整个比赛季中不断完善. 演讲提供了各种各样的活动——从有说服力的演讲到戏剧性的表演——并为学生提供了一个展示原创作品和精选材料的平台,以支持他们的信息. Students hone their acting skills, building characters through vocal expression, physicality, and blocking; and develop their persuasive speaking skills through vocal inflection, tone, and movement. From humor to drama, poetry to prose, 宣言变成了原创演讲——演讲放大了讲故事的效果, advocacy, and dynamic performance.
Since 2012, Poly Prep Speech & Debate has rocketed to success, earning numerous state, national, 和常春藤联盟原创演讲冠军, Dramatic Interpretation, Public Forum Debate, and Congressional Debate. 在此期间,这支球队在3次不同的辩论中赢得了8次全国冠军,并在公共论坛辩论中获得了2023年纽约州冠军.
Meet Our Speech & Debate Faculty
What Students are Saying About Speech & Debate
“Mr. 菲茨杰拉德不知疲倦地和我一起训练……因为他的指导, and the literature he exposed me to, 我能够组织一些案例讨论我关心的问题, such as anti-Blackness, 奴隶制对黑人社会的影响, 以及像我这样的黑人女性在辩论中面临的障碍. 尽管今年并非没有挑战, 我对自己的进步感到非常惊讶. Next year, I know that I’ll do even better.”
Rani Green ’25
“演讲在很多方面帮助我成长,没有它,我在保利的经历就不会是现在的样子. 凯特·布利斯一直是我所有公开演讲努力的主要支持. She has curated intros, helped with all of my blocking, shared fun exercises for prep, 对我的生活产生了积极的影响……我迫不及待地想在大学及以后继续我的公共演讲学习. 我期待着将我在保利的所有技能和才能运用到我未来的努力中.”